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Revolutionise the Report

Category: Storytelling | Tool Type: Magazine

When UNICEF asked us to help them document and reflect on their journey from Communications for Development (C4D) to Social and Behaviour Change (SBC), they knew a traditional report wouldn’t suffice. The shift to SBC was far more than a rebrand, and it would take more than a few pages of dense summary and statistics to explain how this new chapter could transform the development sector. How about 88 pages, chock-full of global perspectives, hot topics, stunning custom illustrations and even some games?

To help socialise the shift to readers both in and outside of UNICEF, we teamed up with SBC specialists, designers and youth activists from all over the globe to design and author content that could reel in readers with any level of SBC interest or expertise. There are infinite ways to tell the story of change, but we went to the people who know it best. From the initial outline to the final draft, we worked closely with experts to distil their ideas into compelling and concise articles, case studies, and features –  like an advice column that addresses concerns and questions about SBC with clarity and a bit of hilarity. 

The magazine provides much-needed colour and crispness to SBC and UNICEF’s organisational transition—both of which are often misunderstood and underestimated.

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