Our Common Threat — Planetary Health is Public Health

We’re spending this Earth Day in admiration of how far we’ve come, and in preparation for all the work we have left to do.

Trolls and Tribulations – Social Media and Public Health

How can public health institutions adapt and respond to the opportunities and challenges of social media? — An Interview with Clay Shirky.

People, Pandemics and Present Bias

Dr Jonathan Quick, author of ‘The End of Epidemics’ talked to Common Thread about his vast experiences in global health, his views on the importance of trust and understanding individual behaviour in an epidemic.

Life in Vietnam: Meet Cha & Do

Cha and Do live in the Yên Bái province of Vietnam. Two very different mothers from the minority Hmong population, they give us a peek into their lives and homes. Designed for interactive learning sessions, these two films offer clues into the small and big things that persuade them and parents like them to vaccinate their children.

Communication & Transmission

Ben talks with The Stitch about the critical importance of communication and the complexity of working in the Tshuapa Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, considered the global epicentre of Monkeypox transmission.

Engineering Empathy in the age of AI

A talk with Johanna Skilling from Burson Cohn & Wolfe on AI, empathy and the future of behaviour change.

A Tajik Video Diary

Common Thread left five cameras with five adolescents living in areas with high rates of stunting across Tajikistan.

How to End a Pandemic

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