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Gender and COVID: Counting on the Uncounted

How can the global health community address gender inequalities if they’re not collecting sex-disaggregated data on COVID-19?  What does gender equality look like in the world’s leading public health organisations ? And how can organisations like ours approach gender better?

These are just some of the questions that Common Thread’s Directors Mike and Sherine asked Sarah Hawkes. Professor Hawkes is a Professor of Global Public Health at UCL and the co-founder of Global Health 50/50- an organization promoting gender equality in global public health.


“The Covid-19 pandemic has for some people opened eyes to the fact that health is not driven just by biology, but it’s also driven by the social environment in which we all find ourselves. Gender is a major part of that social environment.” Mike and Sherine, Co-Directors of Common Thread speak to Sarah Hawkes, a Professor of Global Public Health at UCL, and co-founder of Global Health 50/50, set up to promote gender equality in global public health, about the impact of Covid on gender.

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